Sosiaalisen median käytön alueelliset erot Helsingin ydinkeskustassa ja pääkaupunkiseudun erilaisilla esikaupunkialueilla
sosiaalinen media - Helsinki, sosiaalinen media - alueelliset erot, Internet - käyttö - pääkaupunkiseutu, sosiaalinen pääomaAbstract
The study examines the use of social media in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The focus is on comparing regional differences related to social media use. Social media consists of web 2.0 technologies, content, community, networks and participation. The data were gathered through a postal survey conducted in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa in 2010. Crosstabs, Chi square and Mann-Whitney U-test statistics are used to examine differences between social media user groups in relation to age, income level, education and knowledge intensity and creativity in work. The study shows that the use of social media is most frequent in Helsinki city center in relation to suburban areas. Especially the use of LinkedIn is related to education and income level. Furthermore, the results indicate that the level of knowledge intensity and creativity in work relates to the use of social network sites for networking. The study contributes to the discussion of the connection between social media and social capital which produces trust between individuals, organizations and other stakeholders.Copyright (c) 2020 Kirjoittaja(t)

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