Maatalousmuovin keräyksen kuljetuskustannustehokkuuden arviointi
– esimerkkialueena Pohjois-Karjala
waste logistics, transport cost, bale wrap film, plastic waste collection, scenario, vehichle routing problem, cost-efficient logisticsAbstract
This study develops and applies a logistic route-optimizing model of the collection of bale wrap waste from farms in North Karelia, Finland. To assess cost-efficiency the model analyzed three collection scenarios for one- and three-year collection intervals by full trailer combination truck and annually by lorry. According to our study the cheapest per tonne cost to collect bale wrap waste is to carry out a collection every third year by full trailer combination truck. In the three-year option the per tonne cost is 54,5 percent of the cost collecting waste by lorry annually and 42,2 percent of the per tonne cost collecting waste by full trailer combination truck annually. To maximize the loading grade of a vehicle only, the collection of waste can be made most efficiently by lorries. The study demonstrates the importance of purposefully selecting the vehicle type and the collection intervals in collecting bulk plastic waste.