Kohtaamispaikkana suo
Suotaide kulttuuriperintö- ja luontoarvojen yhdistäjänä
mire art, biocultural heritage, cultural sustainability, environmental values, experienced landscapeAbstract
In this study, mires are regarded as living heritage and experienced landscapes. Mires form a cultural context for interface, where the mindscape of human-mire relationships are represented and renewed by diverse types of art projects. As a part of the global concern on climate crisis among artists, intertwined environmental challenges are highlighted through mire art projects. Based on the 12 semi-structured interviews in Finland, artists’ subjective perceptions, expressions and experiences on mires and art in mire landscapes are examined. Artists use culturally sustainable methods, e.g., they engage local tensions and mire users in their art projects. Mire art highlights the flora and fauna of mire and illustrates changes in mire. Mire art mediates the relation between future, society and environment by participating in public discussion on the protection and environmental values of mire. The biocultural heritage of mires consists of e.g., value of biodiversity, local knowledge, experienced landscapes and place related memories.