Paikallistalouksien uusiutumiskyky : itäsuomalaisia esimerkkejä


  • Eero Vatanen


talousmaantiede, aluetalous, aluetaloudelliset vaikutukset, aluekehitys, resilienssi


This article analyses transformations in local economies using concepts from resilience research and evolutionary economic geography. The economic evolution of the two local Finnish economies of Lieksa and the Juankoski-Nilsiä area are scrutinised as examples. These two local economies have in common the significance of natural resource exploitation and manufacturing, as well as tourism, as industries providing local livelihoods. The research regions represent a path of economic evolution that includes the rise and fall of forestry, industrialisation and neo-industrialisation, the increase of services, and the role of tourism. The research areas have a long-term tendency of population decrease. However, the results illustrate that these local economies have had their moments of resilience that has been of an evolutionary character. According to the case studies, resilience can be interpreted as a capacity for continuous adaptation, reorganisation and renewal. Path dependence has had an impact on resilience, as industrial legacies have played a role in the reorganisation of the industries locally.

