Kontrolli, ristiriidat ja konsensus : metsävarojen hallinnan muotoutuminen Venäjällä
metsätalous - Venäjä, luonnonvarat - hallintaoikeus - Venäjä, metsätalous - ympäristöliikkeet - VenäjäAbstract
The article discusses the interrelatedness of natural resource and environmental gov-ernance in Russia by focussing on forest exploitation and conservation. Theoretically, the article draws from discussions on natural resource governance and the roles of actor groups and institutions in the processes of governance, as well as the debates on the significance of sociospatial notions such as territory, scale, network and place. It focuses on the sociospatial formation of the positions and interaction of three ac-tor groups: the state, business and non-governmental organisations. The discussion presents a synthesis of the authors’ earlier separate studies that have dealt with the transformation of regional forest sectors and challenges faced by resource and indus-trial communities as well as transformations in the field of environmental politics in Russia. These empirical case studies have been based on material collected during several research projects during the 1990s and the 2000s. It is concluded that there are coalitions of actors that produce a fragmented natural resource and environmental governance landscape in terms of forest utilisation issues.Copyright (c) 2021 Kirjoittaja(t)
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