Muuttoliikkeen alueelliset muodostumat ja pulssi Suomessa 1980-2006


  • Olli Lehtonen
  • Markku Tykkyläinen


spatiaalinen autokorrelaatio, talouskasvu - maassamuutto


What are the impacts of economic development on spatio-temporal fluctuations in intermunicipal migration? Do specific spatial patterns emerge owing to migration, and how regular are the pulses of intermunicipal migration in time and space? To answer these questions, we apply spatial and temporal autocorrelation analysis to the formations of intermunicipal migration and investigate the dependence of its dynamics on fluctuations in gross domestic product. The regional formations of migration are constructed by identifying autocorrelative clusters of municipalities with a net migration surplus or deficit. The results show that migration drains the younger generations and labour force from declining areas, including some high-fertility ones. A regional pulse of diffusion with business cycles at intervals of eleven years boosts in-migration to the Finland’s largest travel-to-work areas, commencing with early economic growth in the urban cores and diffusing later to neighbouring municipalities and beyond. Intermunicipal net migration is attenuated during economic recessions and recovers later.

