Työpaikkojen kasvualueiden potentiaaliset leviämis- ja supistumisvaikutukset Suomessa


  • Olli Lehtonen


aluekehitys - työpaikat, kasvukeskukset - vaikutukset, työpaikat


For a long time rural development opportunities have been based on natural resources and also associated with the spread effects created by growth centers. However, the spatial extent of the potential spread effects has received little empirical attention. This article demonstrates the potential spread effects of growth centers by simulating the commuting opportunities to and from the nearest growing centre. The aim is to help to determine which rural areas are most likely to utilize the growth of the nearest centers to support their development. The results show that spatial extent of the potential spread effects is limited and highly dependent upon the number of growth centers and associated commuting costs. Most of the small industrial centers and rural areas have not been able to grow or to capitalize upon the potential spread effects. Therefore, their development should be supported locally so as to balance the regional differences.

