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Tapaustutkimukset Jämtlannista ja Kainuusta
Jämtland, Kainuu, peripheral region, diversification, vitality, demography, sustainable developmentAbstrakti
This article studies how two peripheral Nordic regions (Jämtland, Sweden and Kainuu, Finland) have coped with demographic, economic, and sustainability challenges during 2010s. Hard hit by depopulation and globalization, they have implemented many measures to increase vitality, diversification, and sustainability of their economies. The process, the outcome, and local actors’ views have been analysed by utilising perspectives from regional development, smart shrinking, and sustainability transitions literatures. Research results show that Jämtland and Kainuu have succeeded in diversifying their economy, better their employment, and take steps towards sustainability by relying on place-specific resources and on collaboration with external actors. They still have challenges, especially related to demography and regional imbalance, but also potential for a stronger role in achieving national goals for a sustainable, carbon neutral society. Based on these findings, some conclusions concerning the future of these and similar regions and the design of national policies affecting them can be reached.