Kaupunkien rooli kestävyysmurroksessa
Planetaarisen kaupungistumisen ja kaupunkien aineenvaihdunnan näkökulmat
urban sustainability, urban metabolism, planetary urbanism, carbon footprint, social sustainabilityAbstrakti
Cities are increasingly profiling themselves as active agents within sustainability transformation. Despite many apparent efforts, discussion on “sustainable cities” has often focused on narrowly defined problems and ignored the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic issues that extend beyond the boundaries of formal city regions. Hence, this paper highlights the need for approaches that take into account the multifaceted nature of urban sustainability. We use planetary urbanism and urban metabolism as conceptual lenses to demonstrate the embeddedness of cities in planetary ecological systems and social structures. We present two examples of urban initiatives, one from strategic level and one from practical urban planning, both highlighting the relevance of planetary urbanisation and urban metabolism. Our examination calls for rethinking prevailing ideas of cities as forerunners of sustainable development and highlights the importance of collaboration in curbing potentially harmful socio-spatial divisions.