Suomen satamaverkko murroksessa : analyysi satamien erikoistumisesta ja lukumäärästä
satamat - Suomi, satamat - kehitys, satamat - erikoistuminenAbstrakti
This study analysed the cargo volumes of Finland’s 20 biggest sea ports. The analysis shows that while most of these sea ports are specialized in one or two cargo groups, Finland offers each cargo group four to five alternative ports. Finnish sea ports have not yet evolved to a level where they are strategically linked to in-land transport chains. Further analysis shows that if the number of Finnish sea ports were substantially decreased they could still handle all the cargo groups. This would lead to substantial savings on a national scale. The academic value of this study is that it studies theories of port evolution through an analyses of 11 detailed cargo group across a number of Finnish sea ports.Copyright (c) 2020 Kirjoittaja(t)

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